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Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention for Students | PDF Download

Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention for Students | PDF Download

Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention: In this article, we have provided a Short Essay, Long Essay, Quotes, Images. Students who are in search of this essay can read the complete article. So to get the complete information read the complete article till the end.


Short Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention

This is the Short Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention. It implies that humans for their fulfillment of necessities get into some action and work hard for their needs. It also states about the man’s inventions for his necessities. Man for his necessities invents many things in his life span. His needs are never-ending and he wants to discover new things for his wants. The new inventions and discoveries made man increase the need for his living. The never-ending process in dreams and needs give rise to different inventions in this world. In today’s world, people have become more greedy and wanted to fulfill their own needs for the sake of satisfaction. Necessity makes people get into action. No matter how difficult the task is anyhow they want to fulfill it. The greater the needs and wants of a man, the greater they want to fulfill them.

As civilization started man is driven to the world to inventions for the fulfillment of needs. In today’s world, people run to achieve goals whether it is hard or easy the only thing is to satisfy their wants. A man once gets the desire to need he want to fulfill it within no time. By the fulfillment of the needs, he gets greater satisfaction. On the other hand, many new inventions and discoveries are being made for the fulfillment of needs. So with the need of a man the world is being developed so rapidly. For example, the hunger man made him search for food and made him invent fire for purpose of cooking. The shelter man-made him build huts and houses. So by the basic needs of a man since from an early age made him to new inventions of things till today. Thus, “Necessity is the Mother of Invention” is apt for the world of today.

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Long Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Here is the Long Essay on Necessity is the Mother of Invention, which explains the necessity of a man in today’s world. “Necessity” means the fulfillment of needs. The proverb “Necessity is the Mother of Invention” is apt for the men of today’s world. The rapid increase in the needs and wants of a man-made man to discover many new inventions to this world.

The tremendous increase in the needs of a man makes him drive into action for the fulfillment of the needs. The need may arise in any given circumstance, but the man wants to fulfill the needs besides how hard is the process of getting the task completed. A man works hard for the completion of the task to fulfill his wants. The wants and needs of a man are never-ending because a need arises on the fulfillment of one need. Man does not get satisfied with one need. The more the needs and wants of a man-made him to discover many new things to the world.

Due to modern civilization, man is running behind it for the fulfillment of needs. Since from the early age of a man till today the world is with all the inventions and discoveries of man. When we take the example of the inventions at the early age of a man. Early men hunted for food and made a fire to cook to satisfy their hunger. He lived in caves for shelter. He used leaves as the clothes to cover his body.

Later, he cultivated land with seeds and developed agriculture. He also invented the wheel for travel and transport from one place to another. So these inventions of man from an early age made him develop more ideas on them. Similarly, the needs of man also got increased and led to new inventions in the world.

Great scientists like Thomas Elva Edison, Graham Bell, etc., invented new things for the world for the need that they on it. So these came into existence with the need of man. Man develops more needs with the successful completion of one need. People when want to fulfill their needs they do the work with complete attention with utmost care.

The wholeheartedness of a person for the fulfillment of his need makes him successful. The inventions of man are tremendous and they still take place by the increase in needs. Man of today can achieve anything with the help of technology and science. These are the backbone of man for the fulfillment of his need. By knowledge and wisdom, he uses his power to invent new things for the world to make an easy living.

As the coin has both sides, the same way the inventions by a man also has two faces on either side. The inventions made by him are good and also bad. Good inventions like flight, the telephone, transport vehicles, and many more made man to be very successful in the invention and it also helped the world to satisfy with the needs.

Coming to bad inventions of man include bombs, acids, chemicals and pesticides, the manufacturing of harmful drugs, etc and many more had driven man to the depletion and he has to suffer from the loss of it. So in this way, the inventions of man for his needs paved the way for modernization and industrialization. Hence, “Necessity is the Mother of Invention,” tells us the clear meaning of the needs of a man and his hard work for the fulfillment of it.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Quotes

  • “I don’t think necessity is the mother of invention. The invention, in my opinion, arises directly from idleness, possibly also from laziness – to save oneself trouble.” -Agatha Christie
  • “And yet the true creator is a necessity, which is the mother of invention.” -Aristotle
  • “If necessity is the mother of invention, discontent is the father of progress.” -David Rockefeller
  • “Necessity is the mother of taking chances.” -Mark Twain
  • “If necessity is the mother of invention, it’s the father of cooperation. And we’re cooperating like never before.” -John Ashcroft
  • “Inventive genius requires pleasurable mental activity as a condition for its vigorous exercise. “Necessity is the mother of invention” is a silly proverb. “Necessity is the mother of futile dodges” is much closer to the truth. The basis of growth of modern invention is science, and science is almost wholly the outgrowth of pleasurable intellectual curiosity.” – Alfred North Whitehead
  • “I guess they say, “Necessity is the mother of invention” because you have two stark choices when you find yourself in a desperate situation. You can either fold and cave-in to it or you can become passionate about getting out of it.” -Viola Davis
  • “Inventive genius requires pleasurable mental activity as a condition for its vigorous exercise.” -Alfred North Whitehead
  • “Hope, even more than necessity, is the mother of invention.” -Jonathan Sacks
  • “If necessity is the mother of invention, conflict is its father.” -Kenneth Kaye
  • “If necessity is the mother of invention, scientifically developed production is the mother of scientific research.” -Arthur E. Kennelly
  • “Experiences are everything. And businesses must create experiences that mean something. If necessity is the mother of invention, then vision is the father of innovation.” -Brian Solis
  • “It’s true that necessity is the mother of invention. But for those of us without fathers, there is a deeper truth – necessity is the mother of self-invention.” -Michael Hainey
  • “How true is that necessity is the mother of invention, how very true.” -Yann Martel
  • “Necessity is the mother of invention. I love solving things like that. Because there wasn’t enough memory, thinking of an economical way to make the movements look right was like solving a puzzle, and I had a lot of fun.” -Shigeru Miyamoto
  • “There’s a whole generation of young people who are faced with the so-called ‘jobless recovery.’ Necessity is the mother of invention. They are out there, all around the world, creating new companies.” -Don Tapscott

Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Images

Necessity is the Mother of Invention Quotes Necessity is the Mother of Invention Quotes with Scenery

Conclusion: In the conclusion is it very clear that man invents many new things for the fulfillment of his needs till the end of the world. So it is called ” Necessity is the Mother of Invention”.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention Essay – Important Link
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