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Essay on Corruption for Students and Children | PDF Download

Essay on Corruption for Students and Children | PDF Download

Initially let us know What is corruption? Corruption refers to a type of Criminal activity done by an individual or a group. Corruption meaning was escaping to pay tax for the government or illegal activity to be done by using power and many other forms. With a similar point into consideration, the below essay on Corruption in simple language was written. Some important concepts like corruption in India, corruption causes, remedies/ solutions, and many more are included in the below article.


Short Essay on Corruption

Below is a Short Essay on Corruption in India in 250 words. The points included in the essay are rare and useful for students. Essay on Corruption social evil points are also included in essays for group discussions and competitions.

Corruption is the most heated topic throughout the world. It is an illegal activity done with power to solve the issues, avoiding paying taxes, etc to need & saving of money. Corruption in India plays a major role in the development of countries and the increase of poor day by day. There are several ways to corruption and the topmost way is bribing. All the countries in the world are corrupted but the variation is the amount of money.

Hospitals are available for immune diseases, but no politician will be immune to corruption. Politicians are at the topmost people of any country in the growth of corruption. Corruption was done by every rich people in the world. Corruption was being done by a person who is greedy for money. The corruption was encouraged by every human in need of completion of work, Permission from officials, for closing the illegal cases, etc. Countries like Colombia, Mexico, Ghana are the 3 top listed countries in the most corrupted list in the world.

Corruption needs to get the end for all areas of growth of any country. People should inculcate positivity and should fight against people according to laws for their work. All governments should introduce Corruption laws rewrite the existed laws and move forward. Anti-corruption moves the country above the poverty line and removes all the poor in the country. A Corruption free country will always move forward without hurdles.

Long Essay on Corruption

The following is a Long Essay on Corruption in 500 words. The essay provides information about Corruption free India. It also included corruption and Democracy in Daily life.

Corruption is a dishonest business done with power by many officials and politicians. Corruption is an active topic in every part of the world, which can’t be stopped at any cost. Every level of a person is responsible for Corruption development. People will get corrupted in lust for money and need for money. Corruption is financial fraud, cheating the government, and moving against the laws of the country. The government frames the laws to save money and if needed it can be saved by paying taxes to the government. Every citizen of the country should be responsible for paying taxes and producing income for the country.

Corruption in India is at every inch of the country. There is no accurate amount for corrupted money in countries like India. The development of India was slowly moving due to the corruption rate in the country. All the politicians of India are on the corrupted list of people of the country. The Government of India had bought up many acts to remove the Corruption and development of the country in all fields. Indian Penal Code(1860), Prosecution section of Income Tax Act (1961), The Prevention of Corruption Act(1988), Prevention of Money Laundering Act(2002) are some of the Anti-corruption acts in India. Even these Anti-corruption acts didn’t stop the corruption rate in India. The government of India should bring powerful laws and strict punishments for any level of people to look at India as a corruption-free India.

Democracy should not run for the money, it should run for people and their needs. Corruption can be seen in daily life by political environment, habits, professional ethics, tradition, morality, customs. Majorly Corruption in a democracy is done by politicians and leaders. Corruption brings a break for social development and competition with other countries in all fields. Corruption Perceptions Index(CPI) is a number given yearly by Berlin-based Transparency International since 1995. Denmark and New Zealand are the top corrupted countries according to 2019 data. India is at the 80th position in the CPI number by the 2019 census. The rate of Corruption in-country will depend on the leader’s rule and the leaders we choose. Many Anti-corruption rules need to frame internationally to secure the growth of every country in the world.

Corruption can get to an end by making laws for savings, taxes, and other credits and debits of people. All people must be equal while applying the laws. Sincerity and truthfulness of the person can make the Country Anti-corrupted. Anti-corruption cannot be done by a single or followed by a single person, it should develop in every person. People must keep a break from all illegal activities and should not encourage bribing. Corruption will not bring any happiness, it brings diseases into our bodies. Governments should come forward to explain and motivate people not to get corrupted. In a corrupt-free country, every day can be a Full moon day for people.

Quotes on Anti-Corruption

  • Youth has to challenge corruption.
  • Those who fight corruption should be clean themselves.
  • Corruption is the greatest single bane of our society today.
  • Corruption is the most infallible symptom of constitutional liberty.
  • When you don’t take a stand against corruption you tacitly support it.
  • The corruption of the best things gives rise to the worst.
  • The corruption of the American soul is consumerism.
  • Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it’s set rolling it must increase.
  • The real cost of corruption in government, whether it is local, state, or federal, is a loss of public trust.
  • When I saw corruption, I was forced to find the truth on my own. I couldn’t swallow the hypocrisy.
  • Fighting corruption is not a one-night affair.
  • Corruption is the by-product of discretion when there is scope for the interpretation of policies.
  • We must weed out corruption and build a strong system of justice that people can trust.
  • The corruption of people is to behave inhumanly.
  • Corruption is a true enemy of development.
  • I see corruption as a mortal enemy for young democracies.
  • The first sign of corruption in a society that is still alive is that the end justifies the means.

We believe that the above-provided Essay on Corruption | Essay on Corruption in India will help you. The Article includes a Short essay on Corruption in 250 words a Long essay on corruption in 500 words and some quotes.

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