Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 12 Chapter 7 Physics Alternating Current MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 12 Chapter 7 Physics Alternating Current MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 12 Chapter 7 Physics Alternating Current MCQ | Questions & Answers: Do check this article if you wish to take up an online quiz about NCERT Class 12 Chapter 7 Physics Alternating Current. In the below section we have gathered MCQ questions related to the Alternating Current, which will help you in learning about this concept.


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1. Alternating current cannot be measured by D.C. ammeter, because

2. The phase difference between the alternating current and emf is TE/2. Which ofthe following cannot be the constituent of the circuit?

3. Energy dissipates in LCR circuit in :

4. Virtual value or effective value of a.c. is

5. A.C. power is transmitted from a power house at a high voltage as

6. In an LCR-series ac circuit, the voltage across each of the component L, C and R is 50 V. The voltage across the LC-combination will be

7. In an LCR circuit, capacitance is charged from C to 2C. For resonant frequency to remain unchanged, the inductance should be changed from L to

8. Given the instantaneous value of current from a.c. source is I = 8 sin 623t. Find the r.m.s value of current

9. If the frequency of an A.C. is made 4 times of its initial value, the inductive reactance will

10. An ac circuit has a resistance of 12 ohm and an impedance of 15 ohm. The power factor of the circuit will be