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Essay on Role of Youth in Nation Building for Students and Children | PDF Download

Essay on Role of Youth in Nation Building for Students and Children | PDF Download


Long Essay on Youth in Nation Building

Youth is a momentous role to empower the country. Youth are the building blocks of a nation. They are immensely a positive feature, to the country. The progress of the country is in hands of the youth. Nation-building implies the progress and enlargement of all the citizens for a good society to exist within. The involvement of youth is imperative for the formation of a progressed nation.

Youth is the stage involving the early days and maturity. The time when ground-breaking and resourceful opinions and thoughts bang up the mentality, which forms the society and the nation we survive.

Youth are the inhabitants who are more passionate and vigorous over all the aspects, if their perspective is used the inaccurate way they can formulate quick consequences.

The country should utilize its youth as they are the ladders to the progress of a country. The population of youth in the country is, 25% of the world population. This enormous inhabitant should never be neglected. Make the most out of youth for the country to be in a leading place.

Youth, are strong-minded and get-up-and-go attitude in them, is boundary-less. Their work of them should be valued and attained for the nation’s progress. They should be endowed with opportunities, to showcase their aptitude, opinion, dexterity, thoughts, and attitude.
Particularly, speech freedom, ideas, and opinions must be well-thought-out.

“We cannot always build the future for the youth, but we can build our youth for the future”. Additionally, The National Youth Council Act 2015 has categorized people between the age of 16 to 40 are considered as a youth.

Role of Youth in Nation Building

Youth are not only the crucial basis of the circumstances but also a revolutionizing representative. They are the go-forward aspects like biased, communal, fiscal, and enriching renovations. Youth is the forceful weapon for transformation.

“The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow”. Youth are given the majority of importance as the future is dependent on their hands. They are full liveliness and keenness to learn new things, innovative thoughts, the desire to accomplish their goals. Youth are the social models who can strive hard to attain progress in the nation. The contribution of the youth makes a huge difference in all the phases. The factors of prosperity, evolution, harmony, and protection are attained, on the behalf of nation-building.

Likewise, the Progress of a nation does not just depend on a single aspect. Development in all the fields is required. So, the youth are the key roles for the progress in the field of science, medicine, technology, finance, architecture, and many more the passionate and genuine participation is obligatory. Due to this participation, they lend a helping hand for progress in the country.

Every citizen has a liability towards nation-building. Youth must be given awareness about the responsibility and the power they have in them for a better and progressed nation.

Factors that Affect the Progress of Youth

  • The key factors that lead to the deprivation in youth are poverty, unemployment, underemployment.
  • Inadequate affordable things, quality education is not accessible, and training themself for better living is not adopted as they lack the sources. These are the reasons for unemployment and underemployment.
  • Youth are constrained either by parents or by society to achieve their goals. Each person has their inspiration and knowledge. Lack of parents shore up and assistance has weighed down the youth. The regulations imposed by parents escort to fretfulness in the youth.
  • Equal significance and opportunities should be afforded to all. Gender-based discrimination must not be implemented in the youth. Young girls and women must be given equal value in society along with young men and boys.
  • Government should make a forward movement to support, guide, and recognize the youth. They must be equipped with all the resources and technology for the youth. They can strike hard with full potential for progress in the country. With appropriate hold-up and wherewithal youth lead a nation, proficient leaders grow from the youth. The power and motivation of young leaders are the inputs for speeding up progress and sustainable enlargement in our nation.

Conclusion: “History has always been shaped by the power of youth”. The power of the youth must never be neglected. The vigor in them makes the nation proud. They get the transformation in varying instances.

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