Home Essays Child Trafficking Essay for Students and Children | PDF Download

Child Trafficking Essay for Students and Children | PDF Download

Child Trafficking Essay for Students and Children | PDF Download

What is Child Trafficking?. Children Trafficking is an illegal activity where children are forcefully migrating to other places in need of harmful activities. Child Trafficking is one of the major facing problems all over the world. In child trafficking, the girls are the most affected ones rather than the boy. Girl child trafficking is done in other countries for sexual and other harmful activities. Similarly, the below essay on Child Trafficking covers all the major points and how they affect the lives of children. The below essay on Child Trafficking in India will explain the condition in India and many more unique points that you had ever heard. Further below in the article, the quotes on Child Trafficking are listed.


Small essay on Child Trafficking

Child Trafficking is a part of human Trafficking which means the illegal migration of people in need to fulfill something. In the world, the UK is the hub of Child Trafficking and many parts of Asia, Latin, and many more. In child Trafficking the girls are the most affected ones, the girl is migrated and is forcing them to involve in sex activities. Child Trafficking is the most profitable full task for the people who are involved in making the activity. Child Trafficking victims are made to educate about criminal activities. It is linked to many irregular activities like sexual assault, organ trade, child labor, terrorism, and many other illegal activities.

Child Trafficking is done for the need for cheap labor, lack of awareness in people, economical conditions. All the poor families sell their children for the money in need to fulfill their daily needs. Selling a child is a criminal activity that results in huge punishments. Most of the child trafficking was with poor families, roadside kids, orphan children, etc. As the children are migrated at a small age they were not aware of good and bad things. By using this as a weak point, the children are involved in manufacturing harmful products, forced into terrorism, theft activities. In India every year approximately 3 to 4 lakh children are victims of Child Trafficking. Child Trafficking is still happening in the country due to the improper implementation of laws in society. All the countries should come together to frame the laws for any trafficking happening all over the world.

Long Essay on Child Trafficking

Child Trafficking means the selling of children for money to other areas where there is a need for people to work or do other activities. Child Trafficking is one of the top issues for countries all over the world. Child Trafficking is a hugely profitable business for the people involved in the activities. But Child Trafficking is an illegal activity all over the world. Roadside children, poor kids, orphan children, and many other children are involved in child trafficking. Some families sell their children for the need or are greedy for money. Children are wonderful gifts by God to everyone on earth. But these activities make the children into trouble and some troubles lead to an end their lives.

Child Trafficking will happen for the cause of cheap labor, street begging, organ donation, terror attacks, drug manufacturing, and many others. Some of the works will not harm the health of the children, but some activities like organ donation and drugs will affect a child’s health physically and mentally. These children will be sent to many terrorist groups, they train the children for a long period where they can use as a weapon to their country. Some of the children will forcibly migrate to rich countries for domestic slavery activities. Children from 8 to 15 years of age are the affected children in child trafficking.

Most of the Girls are major affected by child trafficking. This trafficking is part of human trafficking all over the world. There are various trafficking to fulfill the needs of people who are majorly in the negative direction. The girls involved in Children Trafficking are majorly involved in sexual activities in other countries or demand countries. In the way of the process, they make the young girl child to adult child by injecting the drug to fast up the process in a girl’s body. This results in huge damage to girls’ health and major chances of death of the girls.

According to UNICEF 2011 Data, there are about 150 million children are suffered from Child Trafficking. The children who came over the Children trafficking will never get the proper needs. These children are not nutritious enough for their age and face many more problems with mental health and physical health. As the suffered children are from a small age they don’t know the good and bad about the work and society. Some children were forced to work physically like heavyweights. some children are involved in working in harmful areas like drug making, weapons-making.

Child trafficking is more in Latin countries, some parts of Asia, the UK, Europe, and many parts of the world. This majorly happened in poverty countries where the children cannot get enough nutrition. The governments of the countries should involve in the steps to secure the child and provide basic nutrition. A large number of teams, special forces, Child trafficking laws, and all the needs to keep an end to this process by the governments. All the people must be educated not to sell or other activities of child trafficking should not encourage and people should know the advantages of children to their future. There are some NGOs who work to get awareness in the people about child trafficking.

Quotes on Children Trafficking

  • Life is a gift of our creator… And it should NEVER be for sale.
  • Child slavery is a crime against humanity. Humanity itself is at stake here.
  • Trafficking is a serious abuse of child rights and is seen as less risky than trafficking drugs
  • The swelling epidemic of human trafficking makes a mockery of the law and its protections.
  • When we look at human trafficking, we always think that it’s far away from us.
  • To protect our kids, we’ve given law enforcement new tools to fight human trafficking.
  • Human trafficking is a human tragedy. It’s an outrage against any decent people.
  • If we truly want to have world peace, we have to end human trafficking
  • Human trafficking is an open wound on the body of contemporary society, a scourge upon the body of Christ. It is a crime against humanity.
  • Human trafficking is a globally assisted pandemic that generates billions of dollars of income a year.

Child Trafficking: Images

Stop Child Trafficking's Image Child's are not for Sale Image Women Trafficking Image

Conclusion: We believe that the above essays on Child Trafficking had helped you to know the unique stuff about the topic. All problems faced by the children are clearly described in the essay on Child Trafficking in India. These essays are helpful for UPSC & SSC aspirants, Students for exams, competitions, group discussions.

Child Trafficking Essay for Students and Children | PDF Download

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