Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 6 Maths Chapter 4 Basic Geometrical Ideas MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 6 Maths Chapter 4 Basic Geometrical Ideas MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 6 Maths Chapter 4 Basic Geometrical Ideas MCQ | Questions & Answers: Students who wish to gain immense knowledge in NCERT Class 6 Maths Chapter 4 Basic Geometrical Ideas should take the NCERT Class 6 Maths Basic Geometrical Ideas MCQ Quiz that we have established here.


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1. A line segment has definite

2. If two lines are perpendicular to each other then angle between them at the point of contactis

3. The number of diagonal in a triangle are:

4. The number of sides in a pentagon are

5. The number of line segment in the adjoining figure:

6. A portion of a line which has two end points:

7. Two line segments having the same length are said to be:

8. A portion of a line is known as:

9. Number of line segments which can be drawn joining two points

10. If the length of a line segment AB = 3 cm then 2AB will be

11. A line segment has:

12. The length of line segment AB is denoted as:

a.b. c) ABd. none of these 

13. A line segment AB is denoted as:

a) Both a and c

b) c) d) AB

14. The point at which two lines cross each other is called:

15. Number of points a line can have are :

16. The lines which do not intersect and have equal distance between them are called:

17. Geometrical figure which has no dimension is

18. Three or more lines which pass through same point are called

19. The edge of a ruler draws _____________ .

20. A line has ___________ length.

21. Two lines meeting at a point are called ___________ .

22. Three or more points which lie on a same line are called:

23. A flat surface which extends indefinitely in all directions is called ___________ .

24. Three or more points lying on the same line are known as ___________ points.

25. Two lines in a plane either intersect exactly at one point or are

26. Number of points a line can have are :

27. If two lines intersects each other then the common point between them is known as point of