Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 12 Chapter 8 Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 12 Chapter 8 Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 12 Chapter 8 Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQ | Questions & Answers: Greetings to the candidates! You have landed on the right place if you would like to take up the NCERT Class 12 Chapter 8 Physics Electromagnetic Waves MCQ Quiz. In order to know the results, make sure that you submit the answers at the end.


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1. The electromagnetic waves do not transport

2. Which of the following has minimum wavelength?

3. Which of the following has/have zero average value in a plane electromagnetic wave?

4. The speed of electromagnetic waves in free space

CBSE Class12 Physics Electric Charges (4Q)

5. The polarisation of electromagnetic wave is in

6. Which of the following has maximum penetrating power?

7. Which of the following laws was modified by Maxwell by introducing the displacement current?

8. Which region in the electromagnetic spectrum will have the highest speed?

9. The current in the electric circuit which arises due to flow of electrons in the connecting wires of the circuit in a defined closed path is called

10. Electromagnetic waves travelling in a medium having relative permeability μr = 1.3 and relative permittivity Er = 2.14. The speed of electromagnetic waves in medium must be