Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 12 Chapter 6 History Bhakti Sufi Traditions MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 12 Chapter 6 History Bhakti Sufi Traditions MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 12 Chapter 6 History Bhakti Sufi Traditions MCQ | Questions & Answers: Hello! This article will help you take up the NCERT Class 12 Chapter 6 History Bhakti Sufi Traditions MCQ Quiz. Submit your answers at the end to get the results.

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1. Identify the Bhakti tradition which favoured widow remarriage.

2. Vishnu Bhakta saints were known as _______

3. Which general term was used to refer to the migrant communities?

4. Who composed the prem-akhyan ‘Padmavat’?

5. Alwar saints worshipped ________

6. What is the literal meaning of the term ‘silsila’?

7. Which of the following statements regarding Sant Kabir is incorrect?

8. Non-Muslim had to pay a religious tax called ______

9. Which of these statements is correct?

10. Which of these was a part of Chishti worship?