Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 12 Chapter 13 Physics Nuclei MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 12 Chapter 13 Physics Nuclei MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 12 Chapter 13 Physics Nuclei MCQ | Questions & Answers: Here is an article that could help you in learning new things about the Nuclei concept in NCERT Class 12 Physics Chapter 13. Students of Class 12 can make perfect use of this opportunity to attempt the online quiz to test their depth of knowledge.

1. The constituents of nucleus are

2. When a β-particle is emitted from a nucleus then its neutron-proton ratio

3. In nuclear reactors, the control rods are made of

4. The nuclide  CBSE Class12 Physics Nuclei (4Q)has all the following except

5. The radius of a nucleus is

6. The relation between half-life T1/2 of a radioactive sample and its mean life x is

CBSE Class12 Physics Nuclei (6Q) 

7. When the mass of a sample of a radioactive substance decreases, the mean life of the sample:

8. Which one of the following statements about the atomic nucleus is accurate?

9. A nuclei having same number of neutron but different number of protons / atomic number are called

10. The quantity which is not conserved in a nuclear reaction is

11. A nuclear explosive is designed to deliver 1 MW power in the form of heat energy. If the explosion is designed with nuclear fuel consisting of U235 to run a reactor at this power level for one year, then the amount of fuel needed is (given energy per fission is 200 MeV)

12. Nucleus ''a'' contains 5 protons and 5 neutrons and has radius R. The radius of nucleus ''b'', which contains 35 protons and 45 neutrons, is closest to:

13. When the number of nucleons in nuclei increases, the binding energy per nucleon

14. The half-life of a radioactive nucleus is 3 hours. In 9 hours, its activity will be reduced to a factor ofCBSE Class12 Physics Nuclei (14Q)

15. Particles which can be added to the nucleus of an atom without changing its chemical properties are called

16. Binding energy per nucleon is the ratio of

17. The mass of an atomic nucleus is less than the sum of the masses of its constituents. This mass defect is converted into

18. A radioactive element has half-life period 1600 years. After 6400 years what amount will remain?CBSE Class12 Physics Nuclei (18Q)

19. The neutron was discovered by whom?

20. The atomic number Z of the nucleus is

21. Nuclear forces are

22. Ratio of the radii of the nuclei with mass numbers 8 and 27 would beCBSE Class12 Physics Nuclei (22Q)

23. The mass of an atomic nucleus is less than the sum of the masses of its constituents. This mass defect is converted into

24. The density of nuclear matter is:

25. On an average, the number of neutrons and the energy of a neutron released per fission of a uranium atom are respectively