Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 11 Chapter 8 Political Science Local Governments MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 11 Chapter 8 Political Science Local Governments MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 11 Chapter 8 Political Science Local Governments MCQ | Questions & Answers: Here is the opportunity for the students of NCERT Class 11 to practice Multiple Choice Questions related to the Chapter 8 Political Science Local Governments topic. Do attempt the MCQ Quiz established below and test your knowledge regarding the Local Governments concept.


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1. Which of the following played important role in the development of local government?

2. Which is the first state in India to implement Panchayati Raj?

3. Which city of Haryana has Municipal Corporation?

4. Panchayats have been established in:

5. The term of each Panchayat body is

6. According to 73rd Amendment, the tenure of Panchayats in all states is:

7. The first State in the country to adopt the Panchayati Raj System on 2nd October, 1959 was

8. In 1989, P.K. Thungon Committee recommended the constitutional recognition of

9. In Bolivia, the law that decentralized the power at the local level is

10. One-third of the total number of seats of Panchayats are reserved for: