Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 11 Chapter 4 Physics Motion in a Plane MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 11 Chapter 4 Physics Motion in a Plane MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 11 Chapter 4 Physics Motion in a Plane MCQ | Questions & Answers: Attempt the NCERT Class 11 Chapter 4 Physics Motion in a Plane MCQ Quiz that we have provided here and at last know the score you have got after you submit your quiz.


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1. Which of the following conditions are sufficient and essential for a quantity to be a vector?

2. How many minimum number of vectors in different planes can be added to give zero resultant?

3. CBSE class 11 physics Motion in a plane (3 Q)

4. CBSE Class 11 physics Motion in a plane (4 Q)

5. CBSE Class 11 physics Motion in a plane (5Q)

6. Acceleration due to gravity

7. The resultant of A × 0 will be equal to

8. CBSE Class 11 physics motion in a plane (8Q)

9. Two vectors A and B lie in a plane, a third vector C lies outside this plane, the sum of these vectors A + B + C (a) can be zero

10. CBSE Class 11 Motion in a plane (10 Q)