Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 11 Chapter 2 Political Science Freedom MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 11 Chapter 2 Political Science Freedom MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 11 Chapter 2 Political Science Freedom MCQ | Questions & Answers: This is the best chance for you guys to learn more about the NCERT Class 11 Chapter 2 Political Science Freedom. In the below section we have accommodated a few questions in the form of MCQ Quiz format which will help you in learning about the Freedom concept. So, make sure you guys utilize this opportunity well and good.


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1. nelson mandela belonged to which country?

2. To which country J.S. Mill belonged?

3. In the absence of legal constraints, society would:

4. Identify the focus of Modern liberalism.

5. In Buddhist philosophy, freedom is directly related to

6. For what negative aspect of freedom stands?

7. Liber means:

8. What is freedom from?

9. 'freedom form fear' is written by?

10. 'Long Walk to Freedom' is an autobiography of