Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 11 Chapter 13 Physics Kinetic Theory MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 11 Chapter 13 Physics Kinetic Theory MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 11 Chapter 13 Physics Kinetic Theory MCQ | Questions & Answers: Do you wish to know new concepts about the NCERT Class 11 Chapter 13 Physics Kinetic Theory? then attempt the below provided Online MCQ Quiz, which will help you in enhancing your existing knowledge.


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1. Kinetic theory of gases provide a base for

2. When do real gases approach the ideal gas behaviour ?

3. According to the kinetic theory of gases, the pressure exerted by a gas on the wall of the container is measured as

4. When a gas is in thermal equilibrium, its molecules

5. Molecules of a ideal gas behave like

6. In kinetic theory of gases, it is assumed that molecules

7. The internal energy of a gram-molecule of an ideal gas depends on

8. The phenomenon of Browninan movement may be taken as evidence of

9. According to kinetic theory of gases, at absolute zero temperature

10. At a given temperature the force between molecules of a gas as a function of intermolecular distance is