Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 11 Chapter 12 Geography World Climate and Climate Change MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 11 Chapter 12 Geography World Climate and Climate Change MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 11 Chapter 12 Geography World Climate and Climate Change MCQ | Questions & Answers: In this article, we have enclosed a series of MCQ Online Quiz questions for NCERT Class 11 Chapter 12 Geography World Climate and Climate Change topic. Now, this is your opportunity to attempt the quiz and know where you stood with regard to your knowledge about the World Climate and Climate Change concept.


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1. KOEPPEN’s climate classification is

2. Polar climatic group is represented by the letter:

3. Symbol ‘E’ represents which type of climate?

4. Dry climatic group is represented by which letter?

5. The classification of world climate which emphasises the causes or origin of their formation based on weather condition:

6. The scientist who used precipitation effectiveness and potential evapo-transpiration as criteria to classify world climate is:

7. What is the other name of the tropical wet and dry climate?

8. The type of climate found on the western sides of continents in temperate zone is known as

9. Name the common element present in carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbon gases

10. Name the gas which has more effect on greenhouse effect