Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 11 Chapter 1 History From the Beginning of Time MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 11 Chapter 1 History From the Beginning of Time MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 11 Chapter 1 History From the Beginning of Time MCQ | Questions & Answers: This article will help you take up the NCERT Class 11 Chapter 1 History From the Beginning of Time MCQ Quiz. At the end of taking the test, you will get to know the expertise you have in the particular area of interest.


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1. Population pressure in some areas increased due to the

2. Under which one of the following treaties was Greece recognised as a an independent nation?

3. What is the base of the classification of fossils of early humans?

4. The name of a hunting-gathering society living in Kalahari’ Desert was

5. Anthropologist is a specialist who

6. Zagros mountains, which form one limit of the Fertile Crescent, is situated in:

7. In the Eastern Hadza community, the lands belonged to

8. Hominids immigrated from Africa to Asia during the period

9. Long forelimbs, Curved hand and foot bones, and mobile ankle joints helped ______ to live on trees.Hominidae

10. Anthropologist is a specialist who