Home Class 11 Biology NCERT Class 11 Chapter 1 Biology The Living World MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 11 Chapter 1 Biology The Living World MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 11 Chapter 1 Biology The Living World MCQ | Questions & Answers: Well! Want to give a try for the NCERT Class 11 Chapter 1 Biology The Living World MCQ Quiz? Then, here you go. In order to get instant results, make sure that you submit the answers at the end. Good Luck!!!


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1. The living organisms can be unexceptionally distinguished from the non-living things on the basis of their ability for

2. Which one of the following animals is correctly matched with its particular named taxonomic category ?

3. Choose correct scientific name of mango

4. Arrange the following taxonomic categories in increasing number of common characteristics w.r.t. plant mango A. Dicotyledonae B. Polymoniales C. Mangifera D. Angiospermae E. Anacardiaceae

5. The common characteristics between brinjal and wheat can be observed maximum at the level of their.

6. Study of number of chromosomes for resolving difficulties in classification is used in

7. Most names in biological nomenclature of living organisms are taken from which language?

8. The main objective of plant taxonomy is

9. Which one of the following has least similar characters?

10. The ascending or descending arrangement of taxonomic categories is called as