Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 11 Chapter 15 Geography Life on the Earth MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 11 Chapter 15 Geography Life on the Earth MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 11 Chapter 15 Geography Life on the Earth MCQ | Questions & Answers: Looking for a website that could provide you Online MCQ Quiz on NCERT Class 11 Chapter 15 Geography Life on the Earth? Then here is the perfect article for you. Attempt the quiz n number of times till you make yourselves perfect in the Class 11 Chapter 15 Geography Life on the Earth concept.


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1. Name the largest terrestrial community of plants and animals in interaction with the environment

2. Name the famous animal of savanna of Australia

3. Which biome supports the greatest variety of hoofed herbivore species?

4. The other name of Mediterranean scrub forest is

5. Name the grassland of South Africa

6. Name the tropical forest in India

7. The sun-loving woody climbers on trees, espcially in tropical rain forests are known as

8. The interacting system of the biotic community and the physical environment is known as

9. Name the multicellular animal consumers

10. The imbalance in ecosystem is caused by