Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 11 Chapter 5 Geography Minerals and Rocks MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 11 Chapter 5 Geography Minerals and Rocks MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 11 Chapter 5 Geography Minerals and Rocks MCQ | Questions & Answers: Students of the NCERT Class 11 can check out this article to attempt the Chapter 5 Geography Minerals and Rocks MCQ Quiz. This article not only allows you to make use of the quiz but also help you to view the correct answers for the questions you have attempted.


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1. What is the percentage of oxygen in the earth’s crust by weight?

2. What is the basic source of all minerals in the earth’s crust?

3. Which one is the most important component of Quartz?

4. Which one is not the component of pyroxenes?

5. Which are the major elements of Olivine?

6. Which one is the metallic mineral?

7. Out of these which do not contain the metal content?

8. The science of rocks is known as

9. The rocks which are formed from solidified magma and lava are known as

10. What kind of rocks are formed by the deposition/cementation of the fragments?