Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 11 Chapter 14 Geography Movements of Ocean Water MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 11 Chapter 14 Geography Movements of Ocean Water MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 11 Chapter 14 Geography Movements of Ocean Water MCQ | Questions & Answers: Make use of this page and give a try for the NCERT Class 11 Chapter 14 Geography Movements of Ocean Water MCQ Quiz. At the end, you will get to know how much knowledge you have in the particular area of interest.


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1. Which is the world of the oceans and seas?

2. Popular name of the tropical easterlies is

3. Which force deflects water and winds from their original direction of movement?

4. Which current is set in motion due to differences in water density?

5. The system of winds governing the circulation pattern in the northern portion of the Indian ocean is

6. The upper part of the wave is known as

7. The lower part of the wave is

8. The periodic rise and fall in the level of the water in seas and oceans is

9. The fall of sea level is known as

10. Name the tidal crests looking like a vertical wall of water rushing upstream