Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 11 Chapter 6 Economics Non-Competitive Markets MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 11 Chapter 6 Economics Non-Competitive Markets MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 11 Chapter 6 Economics Non-Competitive Markets MCQ | Questions & Answers: Candidates who are here to make use of the Class 11 Chapter 6 Economics Non-Competitive Markets MCQ Quiz should without any further delay attempt the quiz and know how many you have scored and where you need to make an improvement.


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1. Which of the following is not the feature of an imperfect competition?

2. A monopolist is a price

3. The firm and the industry are one and the same in:

4. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of imperfect competition?

5. Market which has two firms is known as

6. Under which of the following forms of market structure a firm has no control over the price of its product?

7. Oligopoly having identical products is known as

8. Price discrimination can take place only in

9. Which market have characteristic of product differentiation

10. Under monopoly form of market, TR is maximum when