Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 11 Chapter 1 Economics Introduction to Micro Economics MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 11 Chapter 1 Economics Introduction to Micro Economics MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 11 Chapter 1 Economics Introduction to Micro Economics MCQ | Questions & Answers: Well! Are you looking for the right place to check your expertise in the NCERT Class 11 Chapter 1 Economics Introduction to Micro Economics? Then, here is an article for you that you help you take up the NCERT Class 11 Chapter 1 Economics Introduction to Micro Economics MCQ Quiz. Once you complete answering, make sure that you submit the answers to get instant results.


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1. Which Economist divided Economics in two branches of micro and macro on the basis of economic activity?

2. Which of the following is studied under Micro Economics ?

3. Which of the following economic activities are included in the subject-matter of Economics?

4. On which base structure of economic problems has been installed?

5. ‘Micros’, which means ‘Small’ belongs to

6. Which of the following statement is true?

7. Which of the following is the salient feature of factors (or resources) ?

8. Which is a central problem of an economy ?

9. Which of the following Is a type of economic activities ?

10. To which factor, economic problem is basically related to: