Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 11 Chapter 10 Economics Comparative Development Experiences of India and Its Neighbors MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 11 Chapter 10 Economics Comparative Development Experiences of India and Its Neighbors MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 11 Chapter 10 Economics Comparative Development Experiences of India and Its Neighbors MCQ | Questions & Answers: Want to check your expertise through the NCERT Class 11 Chapter 10 Economics Comparative Development Experiences of India and Its Neighbors MCQ Quiz? Then here you go. By the end of taking the test, you will get to know how much knowledge you have in the particular area of interest.


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1. Reforms in __________ were introduced in 1978

2. China discontinued the one child policy because:

3. First five year plan of __________ commenced in the year 1956

4. Social Economic Zones were set up by China to:

5. ____________ has the highest life expectancy at birth.

6. Proportion of people below poverty line is more in:

7. Which economic system did India adopt as development strategy?

8. Reforms in _________ were introduced in 1988.

9. ___________ programme was started in China with the aim of industrialization.

10. The fertility rate is very high in