Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 6 Chapter 9 Social Science History Traders Kings and Pilgrims MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 6 Chapter 9 Social Science History Traders Kings and Pilgrims MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 6 Chapter 9 Social Science History Traders Kings and Pilgrims MCQ | Questions & Answers: Want to give your try for the NCERT Class 6 Chapter 9 Social Science History Traders Kings and Pilgrims MCQ Quiz? Then here is an article for you. Submit your answers at the end and get the results instantly.


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1. Bhakti comes from the

2. For what was the south India famous for?

3. The famous ruler of Gupta dynasty

4. Where did the Romans find Gold?

5. Where did in India Roman Gold coin was found?

6. South India was famous for

7. Xuan Zang translated the manuscripts from:

8. Which river valley is the most fertile?

9. How did Fa Xian return to China?

10. Who controlled the river valleys?