Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 6 Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Rural Livelihoods MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 6 Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Rural Livelihoods MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 6 Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Rural Livelihoods MCQ | Questions & Answers: If you would like to take part in the NCERT Class 6 Chapter 8 Social Science Civics Rural Livelihoods MCQ Quiz, then this article is just for you. By the end of taking the test, you will get to know how much knowledge you have in a particular area. Good luck!!!


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1. In which state of India is the village Kalpattu located?

2. In the villages most people depend on:

3. Which type of food do the people of Tamil Nadu eat?

4. Which of the following states of India has the highest poverty ratio?

5. A man engaged in making iron goods tools, instruments etc

6. which land features is the village surrounded?

7. One of the major crop failure reason is:

8. What is the main crop of village Kalpattu?

9. By which land features is the village surrounded

10. What is working time in Paddy fields in Kalpattu?

11. Nearly _________ of all rural families are agricultural labourers

12. Which of the following is not the non-farming activity?

13. Which is a feature of Chizami village?

14. Who is the supervisor of the field?

15. People of Chizami village do ___ cultivation

16. Giving water to the crops is known as

17. A man engaged in making iron goods tools, instruments etc

18. What is the main occupation of people living in rural areas?

19. Which of the following village is in Tamil Nadu

20. If the farmer fails in repayment of loan he commits

21. What is basic occupation of Indians?