Home CBSE MCQ NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets MCQ | Questions & Answers

NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets MCQ | Questions & Answers


NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets MCQ | Questions & Answers: Take up the NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets MCQ Quiz from this page and by summiting your answers, you can know the result instantly. Good luck!


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1. A substance which retains its magnetic properties for a long period is called a ____

2. Which is an example of a magnetic substance?

3. The north pole of the earth's magnet is near the geographical ____.

4. Which of the following gets attracted to a magnet?

5. In ancient times rocks containing magnets are called_________

6. The word magnet is derived from the old French word

7. When a bar magnet is brought near iron dust, most of the dust sticks

8. A paper clip hanging in air; the possible reason could be:

9. The pole of the magnet that points towards the South is called pole.

10. A freely suspended bar magnet rests in

11. The substances that get attracted towards a magnet are called_______

12. Magnets have a shape

13. Attraction is seen between the poles of two bar magnets in the case of

14. Maximum iron filings stick in the _____of a bar magnet when it is brought near them.

15. Magnetism of a magnet is lost by doing which of the following acts

16. Which is a natural magnet?

17. The statue of a lady on the chariot of the emperor Hoang Ti, rests in such a position that its extended arm always point towards ____ direction

18. Who was the discoverer of magnet?

19. Choose the wrong statement

20. Like poles _________

21. Where was natural magnet discovered ?

22. The magnetic properties of a magnet cannot be destroyed by

23. A magnet does not lose its property if it is __________.

24. When a bar magnet is brought near iron dust, most of the dust sticks

25. Which two ends of a magnet are called magnetic poles?